Breath Practices (all ages)

Breath Practices (all ages)

Lion's breath, belly breathing, flower breath - just a few of the breathing practices we're excited to cover in these classes! These all ages practices are short and sweet, and hone in on your breath to help you focus on your body and the present moment.

[Cover Image by @ironbragglifestyle of a child with their eyes closed, elbows wide with their hands on their crossed legs sitting on a mat in the grass.]

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Breath Practices (all ages)
  • BREATH PRACTICE - Flower Breath

    All ages. Leave this practice feeling calm and grounded, like you've been lying in a bed of wildflowers. Using our hands in a tactile strategy, we'll take deep breaths to open our flowers, and smell those sweet gifts that May brings!

    Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

  • MEDITATION - Sloth Sighs

    All ages. Sloth sighs with Sara! Venture down the road of slow slothy sighs while hanging in a tree with Sara. This meditation uses your breath to slow down the body and bring yourself into balance! And it's fun to be a sloth!

  • BREATH PRACTICE - Batty Breath 🦇

    All ages. Get Batty with Diane in this Batty Breath Practice all about Betty the bat! Diane tells a sweet story where Betty is too frantic and busy...but what will Di encourage Betty to do to help herself?!