Infant Yoga and Developmental Movement

Infant Yoga and Developmental Movement

How often did you hold a baby before you had your own? Gain the confidence and tools you need to hold, love, and support your baby in their developmental milestones. Our infant yoga classes support both grown up and infant and we provide sequences for common concerns: Digestion, Tummy Time, and Sleep. These classes also incorporate baby massage!
Image is of Founder Megan Snider with one of her children at age 4 months.
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Infant Yoga and Developmental Movement
  • INFANT - Tummy Time Series Part #2

    Ideally for pre-crawlers. In this tummy time sequence we play with baby while they're prone on a blanket. Starting with a little massage and playing "sssssss....snake!" with them will delight them and result in mutual satisfaction! Super baby and flying baby bring much joy and exhilaration, an...

  • INFANT - Tummy Time Series Part #1

    Ideally for precrawlers. Stressing over tummy time doesn't make it any easier, but yoga does! In this class we cover a prone hip sequence! Get in some tummy time with your baby in this class, or if you're finding it challenging, even one pose every other day is helpful! Mantra: "I can give my ...

  • INFANT - Digestion Series Part #2

    Ideally for pre-crawlers. This class incorporates how these movements support digestion which can get tricky when baby is not moving on their own (strapped in on a daily basis). Yoga helps directly massage their intestines! We go over the staples of digestion yoga from Part #1, and then explor...

  • INFANT - Digestion Series Part #1

    Ideally for pre-crawlers, but works for up to before walking. Digestion can be a really sensitive thing for our babies! Get your baby's digestion moving by moving their little bodies with our poses, holds, and movements. You will gain confidence in caring for your babe and also build connection!

  • INFANT - Holds

    For birth and up. This class outlines all the holds we teach here at Appleseed from standing to sitting and switching sides. Learn simple, energy-saving ways to confidently hold your baby that they love! Mantra: "I am confident and my baby is safe."

  • INFANT - Sleep

    For birth and up. This class is great for just before sleep and helps to calm and connect grown up and baby.